Watch Shantaram online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama tv show Shantaram, created by Eric Warren Singer & Steve Lightfoot & starring Antonia Desplat, Charlie Hunnam, Fayssal Bazzi & Sujaya Dasgupta on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Shantaram

A heroin addict incarcerated for a robbery escapes prison and reinvents himself as a doctor in the slums of Bombay; his ties to the crime underworld there lead him to Afghanistan, where he partners with a mob boss locked in a batt...

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Its air date is Friday October 14, 2022

Production details

Creator Eric Warren Singer & Steve Lightfoot
Cast Antonia Desplat, Charlie Hunnam, Fayssal Bazzi & Sujaya Dasgupta
Genre Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama
First Air date 2022-10-14
Theme Afghanistan, Based On Novel Or Book, Drug Addict, Prison Escape, Slum & Thriller
Runtime 53
Homepage Shantaram Homepage


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