Watch Shinobi no Ittoki online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Animation tv show Shinobi no Ittoki on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Shinobi no Ittoki

After surviving an attack from the rival Kouga clan, Ittoki Sakuraba, an ordinary boy, discovers that he is the 19th heir of the Iga ninja. Ittoki learns to become an Iga clan ninja and joins the war between the Iga and Kouga clans.

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Its air date is Tuesday October 4, 2022

Production details

Cast Haruka Shiraishi, Katsuyuki Konishi, Kikuko Inoue & Ryota Osaka
Genre Action & Adventure & Animation
First Air date 2022-10-04
Theme Anime, Clans, Ninja, Original & Shinobi
Runtime 24
Homepage Shinobi no Ittoki Homepage


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