Watch Spider-Man online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Animation tv show Spider-Man, created by Stan Lee & Steve Ditko & starring Christopher Daniel Barnes, Ed Asner, Rodney Saulsberry & Sara Ballantine on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Spider-Man

A young man with spider-like abilities fights crime as a superhero in New York City while trying to have a normal personal life.

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Its air date is Saturday November 19, 1994

Production details

Creator Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
Cast Christopher Daniel Barnes, Ed Asner, Rodney Saulsberry & Sara Ballantine
Genre Action & Adventure & Animation
Country of origin U.S. & United States
First Air date 1994-11-19
Theme Based On Comic & Superhero
Place setting New York City
Music Kevin Manthei
Runtime 22

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