Watch Super Sentai online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Super Sentai, created by Shotaro Ishinomori & starring Asahi Itou, Haruka Kudou, Kousei Yuki & Shogo Hama on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Super Sentai

Bandora's son was killed by dinosaurs and she vowed revenge against the Earth. Five tribes from ancient human civilizations chose one of their best warriors to form the Dinosaur Battle Team...

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Its air date is Saturday April 5, 1975

Production details

Creator Shotaro Ishinomori
Cast Asahi Itou, Haruka Kudou, Kousei Yuki & Shogo Hama
Genre Action & Adventure & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First Air date 1975-04-05
Theme Anthology, Ensemble Cast, Good Vs Evil, Martial arts, Masked Superhero, Superhero, Superhero Team & Tokusatsu
Runtime 30
Homepage Super Sentai Homepage


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