Watch The Goldbergs online

Can you stream the Comedy tv show The Goldbergs, created by Adam F. Goldberg & starring George Segal, Jeff Garlin, Troy Gentile & Wendi McLendon-Covey on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Goldbergs

This ABC show takes place in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania in the 1980s and follows the lives of a family named The Goldbergs.

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Its air date is Tuesday September 24, 2013

Production details

Creator Adam F. Goldberg
Cast George Segal, Jeff Garlin, Troy Gentile & Wendi McLendon-Covey
Genre Comedy
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2013-09-24
Theme 1980s, Families, Family, Pennsylvania, Retro & Sitcom
Place setting Pennsylvania
Time setting 1980s
Music Michael Wandmacher
Runtime 23
