Watch The Hot Zone online

Can you stream the Drama tv show The Hot Zone, created by James V. Hart & Richard Preston Jr. & starring Julianna Margulies, Liam Cunningham, Noah Emmerich & Topher Grace on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Hot Zone

The frightening spread of the EBV (Ebolavirus).

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Its air date is Monday May 27, 2019

Production details

Creator James V. Hart & Richard Preston Jr.
Cast Julianna Margulies, Liam Cunningham, Noah Emmerich & Topher Grace
Genre Drama
First Air date 2019-05-27
Theme 1980s, Africa, Based On Novel Or Book, Lethal Virus, Military, Miniseries, Texas & Zaire
Homepage The Hot Zone Homepage
