Watch The Magic School Bus online

Can you stream the Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show The Magic School Bus, created by Bruce Degen & Joanna Cole & starring Daniel DeSanto, Erica Luttrell, Malcolm-Jamal Warner & Stuart Stone on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Magic School Bus

An eccentric school-teacher takes her class on wondrous educational field trips with the help of a magical school bus.

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Its air date is Saturday September 10, 1994

Production details

Creator Bruce Degen & Joanna Cole
Cast Daniel DeSanto, Erica Luttrell, Malcolm-Jamal Warner & Stuart Stone
Genre Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First Air date 1994-09-10
Theme Animated Children, Buses, Shapeshifting & Size Change
Runtime 22

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