Watch The Parents online

Can you stream the Comedy tv show The Parents, created by Jacques Davidts & starring Daniel Brière, Joey Scarpellino, Louis-Philippe Beauchamp & Raphaël Grenier-Benoît on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Parents

The original British version of 'The World's Strictest Parents' television series.

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Its air date is Monday September 8, 2008

Production details

Creator Jacques Davidts
Cast Daniel Brière, Joey Scarpellino, Louis-Philippe Beauchamp & Raphaël Grenier-Benoît
Genre Comedy
Country of origin The United States & United Kingdom
First Air date 2008-09-08
Theme Fairies Sprites, Family, Friendship, Genies, Magic, Quebec, Sibling Relationship & Teenager
Place setting California & Northamptonshire
Music Guy Moon & Samuel Karl Bohn
Runtime 23
Homepage The Parents Homepage