Watch The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show online

Can you stream the Animation, Comedy & Family tv show The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, created by Bill Scott & Jay Ward & starring Bill Scott, June Foray & Paul Frees on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show

The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show is an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. Produced by Jay Ward Productions, the series is structured as a variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic moose Bullwinkle and flying squirrel Rocky. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right, Peabody's Improbable History, and Fractured Fairy Tales, among others. Rocky & Bullwinkle is known for quality writing and wry humor. Mixing puns, cultural and topical satire, and self-referential humor, it appealed to adults as well as children. It was also one of the first cartoons whose animation was outsourced; storyboards were shipped to Gamma Productions, a Mexican studio also employed by Total Television. Thus the art has a choppy, unpolished look and the animation is extremely limited even by television animation standards. Yet the series has long been held in high esteem by those who have seen it; some critics described the series as a well-written radio program with pictures.

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Amazon Video
Its air date is Thursday November 19, 1959

Production details

Creator Bill Scott & Jay Ward
Cast Bill Scott, June Foray & Paul Frees
Genre Animation, Comedy & Family
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 1959-11-19
Theme Boris Badenov, Fractured Fairy Tale, Moose, Professor Peabody & Squirrel
Place setting Minnesota
Runtime 30

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