Watch The Take online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Drama tv show The Take, created by Martina Cole & starring Brian Cox, Charlotte Riley, Kierston Wareing, Margot Leicester, Shaun Evans & Tom Hardy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Take

Based upon the novel by Martina Cole, this TV series is mostly about Freddie Jackson, portrayed by Tom Hardy, who is just out of prison. He has the right connections and now he's ready to use them.

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Its air date is Wednesday June 17, 2009

Production details

Creator Martina Cole
Cast Brian Cox, Charlotte Riley, Kierston Wareing, Margot Leicester, Shaun Evans & Tom Hardy
Genre Action & Adventure & Drama
Country of origin United Kingdom
First Air date 2009-06-17
Theme Miniseries
Place setting London
Time setting 1980s & 1990s
Runtime 173


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