Watch The Zeta Project online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show The Zeta Project, created by Bob Goodman & starring Diedrich Bader, Julie Nathanson, Kurtwood Smith & Michael Rosenbaum on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Zeta Project

A robot rebels against its creators, refusing to kill, and goes on the run.

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Its air date is Saturday January 27, 2001

Production details

Creator Bob Goodman
Cast Diedrich Bader, Julie Nathanson, Kurtwood Smith & Michael Rosenbaum
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First Air date 2001-01-27
Theme Androids, Animated Robots & Robot
Place setting Future
Time setting 2030s
Runtime 30

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