Watch Unité 9 online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Unité 9, created by Danielle Trottier & starring Catherine Proulx-Lemay, Céline Bonnier, François Papineau & Guylaine Tremblay on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Unité 9

Follows a French Canadian woman going to jail for 7 years for pushing her father down the stairs. As the story unfolds we get to see how this all came about and the reasons behind it. The ...

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Its air date is Tuesday September 11, 2012

Production details

Creator Danielle Trottier
Cast Catherine Proulx-Lemay, Céline Bonnier, François Papineau & Guylaine Tremblay
Genre Drama
Country of origin Canada, India & United Kingdom
First Air date 2012-09-11
Theme Prison, Quebec, Viking Age & Women In Prison
Place setting Europe, Malaysia & Middle Ages
Music John Lunn
Runtime 60
Homepage Unité 9 Homepage
