Watch Verbotene Liebe online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Verbotene Liebe, created by Reg Watson & starring Gabriele Metzger, Isa Jank, Miriam Lahnstein & Wolfram Grandezka on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Verbotene Liebe

TV Series circling around young people, friends and families in Cologne and Düsseldorf, Germany. The series' trademark is that it tells both about life in rich (such as dukes and ...

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Its air date is Monday January 2, 1995

Production details

Creator Reg Watson
Cast Gabriele Metzger, Isa Jank, Miriam Lahnstein & Wolfram Grandezka
Genre Drama
Country of origin Germany
First Air date 1995-01-02
Place setting Cologne
Runtime 25