Watch Wentworth online

Can you stream the Conspiracy, Crime & Drama tv show Wentworth, created by Lara Radulovich & Reg Watson & starring Danielle Cormack, Kate Atkinson, Nicole da Silva & Robbie Magasiva on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Wentworth

Bea Smith is locked up while awaiting trial for the attempted murder of her husband and must learn how life works in prison.

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Its air date is Wednesday May 1, 2013

Production details

Creator Lara Radulovich & Reg Watson
Cast Danielle Cormack, Kate Atkinson, Nicole da Silva & Robbie Magasiva
Genre Conspiracy, Crime & Drama
Country of origin Australia
First Air date 2013-05-01
Theme Crime, Prison, Rape & Women In Prison
Place setting Melbourne
Music Richard Pleasance
Runtime 45


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