Watch X-Men online
Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show X-Men, created by Jack Kirby & Stan Lee & starring Alison Sealy-Smith, Cathal J. Dodd, Catherine Disher & George Buza on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: X-Men
A team of mutant superheroes fight for justice and human acceptance in the Marvel Comics universe.
Its air date is Saturday October 31, 1992
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Its air date is Saturday October 31, 1992
Production details
Creator | Jack Kirby & Stan Lee |
Cast | Alison Sealy-Smith, Cathal J. Dodd, Catherine Disher & George Buza |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy |
Country of origin | United States |
First Air date | 1992-10-31 |
Theme | Alien Visitations, Based On Comic & Mutant |
Music | Ron Wasserman |
Runtime | 22 |
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