Watch Xena online

Can you stream the Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama & Fantasy tv show Xena, created by John Schulian & Robert Tapert & starring Kevin Smith, Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor & Ted Raimi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Xena

Xena, a mighty Warrior Princess with a dark past, sets out to redeem herself. She is joined by small town bard, Gabrielle. Together they journey the ancient world and fight for the greater good against ruthless Warlords and Gods.

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Its air date is Monday September 4, 1995

Production details

Creator John Schulian & Robert Tapert
Cast Kevin Smith, Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor & Ted Raimi
Genre Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama & Fantasy
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 1995-09-04
Theme Anti Hero, Female Characters, Female Protagonist, Heracles, Heroine, LGBT Characters, Mythical creatures, Mythology, Reincarnation, Strong Woman, Sword Fight, Tragic, Warrior Woman & Warriors
Place setting Ancient Greece, Dramas Ancient Rome & Greece
Location New Zealand
Music Joseph LoDuca
Runtime 45


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