Watch Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist online

Can you stream the Comedy & Drama tv show Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, created by Austin Winsberg & starring Alex Newell, Jane Levy, John Clarence Stewart, Lauren Graham, Mary Steenburgen & Skylar Astin on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist

After an unusual event, Zoey Clarke, a whip-smart computer coder forging her way in San Francisco, suddenly starts to hear the innermost wants, thoughts and desires of the people around her through popular songs.

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Its air date is Tuesday January 7, 2020

Production details

Creator Austin Winsberg
Cast Alex Newell, Jane Levy, John Clarence Stewart, Lauren Graham, Mary Steenburgen & Skylar Astin
Genre Comedy & Drama
First Air date 2020-01-07
Theme San Francisco
Place setting San Francisco
Runtime 43
Homepage Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Homepage


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