Watch VooDoo online

Can you stream the Horror movie VooDoo, directed by Tom Costabile & starring Daniel Kozul, Dominic Matteucci, Ruth Reynolds & Samantha Stewart on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: VooDoo

When Dani, an innocent southern girl, vacations to Los Angeles to evade her increasingly complicated life, she learns that escaping her past isn't as easy as she hoped.

TAGLINE: "You're going to Hell"

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Its release date is Friday February 24, 2017

Production details

Director Tom Costabile
Cast Daniel Kozul, Dominic Matteucci, Ruth Reynolds & Samantha Stewart
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2017-02-24
Theme Body Swapping, Cousin Cousin Relationship, Curse, Demon, Demons, Dogs, Hell, Los Angeles, Possesion, Spirit Possession Fiction, Vacation & Voodoo
Place setting Amusement Parks
Location Australia
Script Tom Costabile
Music David Newman (composer) & Sasha Gordon
Runtime 83 min


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VooDoo | Feb 24th, 2017

4.4/10 | By Tom Costabile
The United States | Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV