Watch Love, Marilyn online
Can you stream the Documentary movie Love, Marilyn, directed by Liz Garbus & starring Elizabeth Banks, Evan Rachel Wood, Lindsay Lohan & Uma Thurman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Love, Marilyn
Modern day celebrities interpret excerpts from memoirs written by people who knew Marilyn Monroe as well as her recently discovered personal journals and letters.
TAGLINE: "One icon, many voices" All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday September 12, 2012
Production details
Director | Liz Garbus |
Cast | Elizabeth Banks, Evan Rachel Wood, Lindsay Lohan & Uma Thurman |
Genre | Documentary |
Country of origin | France & The United States |
Release date | 2012-09-12 |
Theme | Documentary Actors, Documentary Hollywood, Marilyn Monroe & Woman Director |
Time setting | 1950s & 1960s |
Script | Arthur Miller (excerpts from play), Billy Wilder (excerpts from letters), Elia Kazan (excerpts from memoirs), Gloria Steinem (excerpts from book), Liz Garbus, Marilyn Monroe (personal papers), Natasha Lytess (excerpts from memoirs), Norman Mailer (excerpts from book), Norman Rosten (excerpts from poem), Ralph Greenson (personal papers) & Truman Capote (excerpts from memoirs) |
Cinematography | Maryse Alberti |
Music | Philip Sheppard |
Runtime | 107 min |