Watch A Wealth of Nations online

Can you stream the Documentary & Music movie A Wealth of Nations, directed by Robert Cettl & starring Karrel Lin, Kate Reade, Minko & Tisha Kalmanovitch on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: A Wealth of Nations

Experimental ethnographic digital feature exploring International student and teacher identity expressed through musical performance at the University of Jinan, Shandong, China.

TAGLINE: "3 Countries | 7 Languages | 9 Nationalities | $0 Budget"

All streaming services available

Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Monday July 28, 2014

Production details

Director Robert Cettl
Cast Karrel Lin, Kate Reade, Minko & Tisha Kalmanovitch
Genre Documentary & Music
Country of origin China
Release date 2014-07-28
Theme China, Ethnographical, Identity, Musical, Student & Teacher
Script N/A
Runtime 71 min
Homepage A Wealth of Nations Homepage

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