Watch A Week Alone online

Can you stream the Drama movie A Week Alone, directed by Celina Murga & starring Gastón Luparo, Ignacio Giménez, Lucas Del Bo & Natalia Gomez Alarcon on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: A Week Alone

A group of children, age 7 through 14, are left home alone at a house in a secluded community in the countryside. Their innocence is gradually corrupted as they experiment with ...

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Its release date is Wednesday March 7, 2007

Production details

Director Celina Murga
Cast Gastón Luparo, Ignacio Giménez, Lucas Del Bo & Natalia Gomez Alarcon
Genre Drama
Country of origin Argentina
Release date 2007-03-07
Theme Woman Director
Script Celina Murga & Juan Villegas
Music *
Runtime 110 min
