Watch Aberration online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Aberration, directed by Tim Boxell & starring Helen Moulder, Pamela Gidley, Simon Bossell & Valery Nikolaev on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Aberration

Mutant lizards attack a woman on the run hiding out in a cabin in the woods.

TAGLINE: "Where civilisation ends...the nightmare begins!"

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Its release date is Thursday September 11, 1997

Production details

Director Tim Boxell
Cast Helen Moulder, Pamela Gidley, Simon Bossell & Valery Nikolaev
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin New Zealand
Release date 1997-09-11
Theme Cabin, Cat, Fire, Lizard, Middle Of Nowhere, Mutant, Reproduction & Snow
Script Darrin Oura & Scott Lew
Cinematography Allen Guilford
Music David Donaldson
Runtime 93 min


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