Watch Adios amigos online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Adios amigos, directed by Albert Jan van Rees & starring Bas Hoeflaak, Margot Ros, Martijn Lakemeier & Yannick van de Velde on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Adios amigos
Three handicapped friends go on a road trip to Salou, Spain, for their first sexual experience.
Its release date is Thursday September 8, 2016
All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday September 8, 2016
Production details
Director | Albert Jan van Rees |
Cast | Bas Hoeflaak, Margot Ros, Martijn Lakemeier & Yannick van de Velde |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | The Netherlands |
Release date | 2016-09-08 |
Script | Anne Barnhoorn, Asta Philpot (original idea) & Mariano Vanhoof (original story) |
Runtime | N/A |