Watch Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon online
Can you stream the Adventure, Animation & Family movie Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon, directed by Jose Zelada & Richard Claus & starring Alejandra Gollas, Bernardo de Paula, Dino Andrade & Thom Hoffman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon
In the spirit of Moana and Frozen, 'Ainbo - Spirit of the Amazon' is the epic journey of a young hero and her Spirit Guides, "Dillo" a cute and humorous armadillo and "Vaca" a goofy ...
Its release date is Wednesday February 10, 2021
All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday February 10, 2021
Production details
Director | Jose Zelada & Richard Claus |
Cast | Alejandra Gollas, Bernardo de Paula, Dino Andrade & Thom Hoffman |
Genre | Adventure, Animation & Family |
Country of origin | Netherlands |
Release date | 2021-02-10 |
Theme | Animated Animals, Animated Friendship, Protection & Threatened Ecosystem |
Place setting | Peru |
Script | Brian Cleveland (screenplay), Jason Cleveland (screenplay), Jose Zelada (story by), Larry Wilson (screenplay) & Richard Claus (screenplay) |
Runtime | N/A |
Homepage | Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon Homepage |