Watch Alexander online
Can you stream the Action, History & War movie Alexander, directed by Oliver Stone & starring Angelina Jolie, Colin Farrell, Jared Leto & Val Kilmer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Alexander
Alexander, the King of Macedonia and one of the greatest army leaders in the history of warfare, conquers much of the known world.
TAGLINE: "The greatest legend of all was real." All streaming services available
Its release date is Sunday November 21, 2004
Production details
Director | Oliver Stone |
Cast | Angelina Jolie, Colin Farrell, Jared Leto & Val Kilmer |
Genre | Action, History & War |
Country of origin | France & Germany |
Release date | 2004-11-21 |
Theme | Alexander Great, Alexander The Great, Aristotle, Campaign, Egypt, Elephant, Greece, Homosexuality, Iranophobia & Persia |
Place setting | Ancient Greece |
Location | Malta, Morocco & Thailand |
Script | Christopher Kyle, Laeta Kalogridis & Oliver Stone |
Cinematography | Rodrigo Prieto |
Music | Vangelis |
Costs | $155,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $167,298,192 |
Runtime | 175 min |