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Can you stream the Documentary movie Alison, directed by Uga Carlini & starring Alison Botha, Christia Visser, De Klerk Oelofse & Zak Hendrikz on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Alison

Raped. Disemboweled. Nearly decapitated. Dumped on the outskirts of a nature reserve, dead - or so they thought. She needed a hero that night, so that's what she became. This is Alison's tale. A tale of monsters, miracles and hope.

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Its release date is Friday August 12, 2016

Production details

Director Uga Carlini
Cast Alison Botha, Christia Visser, De Klerk Oelofse & Zak Hendrikz
Genre Documentary
Country of origin South Africa
Release date 2016-08-12
Script Uga Carlini
Runtime 80 min

Other Uga Carlini Movies on Amazon Prime

Alison | Aug 12th, 2016

7.6/10 | By Uga Carlini
South Africa | Documentary
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