Watch An Affair to Die For online

Can you stream the Thriller movie An Affair to Die For, directed by Víctor García & starring Claire Forlani, Jake Abel, Nathan Cooper & Titus Welliver on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: An Affair to Die For

A secret rendezvous. A man cheats on his wife. A woman cheats on her husband. And then everything goes bad, quickly.

TAGLINE: "Be careful what you lust for"

All streaming services available

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Its release date is Friday February 1, 2019

Production details

Director Víctor García
Cast Claire Forlani, Jake Abel, Nathan Cooper & Titus Welliver
Genre Thriller
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2019-02-01
Location Dumfries Galloway, Edinburgh & Glasgow
Script Elliott San
Cinematography Ulf Brantås
Music Jocelyn Pook
Runtime 82 min
Homepage An Affair to Die For Homepage


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