Watch Antibirth online

Can you stream the Horror movie Antibirth, directed by Danny Perez & starring Chloë Sevigny, Mark Webber, Meg Tilly & Natasha Lyonne on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Antibirth

In a desolate community full of drug-addled Marines and rumors of kidnapping, a wild-eyed stoner named Lou wakes up after a wild night of partying with symptoms of a strange illness and ...

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Its release date is Friday September 2, 2016

Production details

Director Danny Perez
Cast Chloë Sevigny, Mark Webber, Meg Tilly & Natasha Lyonne
Genre Horror
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2016-09-02
Theme Abandoned Buildings Structures Fiction, Alien Abduction, Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theories, Drug Abuse, Drugs, Experiment, New Species Of Human, Pregnancy, Prostitution & Television
Location Greater Sudbury
Script Danny Perez
Cinematography Rudolf Blahacek
Music * Jonathan J.K. Kanakis
Costs $35,000,000
Runtime 94 min


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Antibirth | Sep 2nd, 2016

4.9/10 | By Danny Perez
United States of America | Horror
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Playstation