Watch Autumn Moon online

Can you stream the Drama movie Autumn Moon, directed by Clara Law & Yao-Chi Chen & starring Choi Siu Wan, Maki Kiuchi, Masatoshi Nagase & Pui-Wai Li on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Autumn Moon

Two sisters try to cope with the men in their lives who are not so ideal.

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Its release date is Tuesday September 15, 1992

Production details

Director Clara Law & Yao-Chi Chen
Cast Choi Siu Wan, Maki Kiuchi, Masatoshi Nagase & Pui-Wai Li
Genre Drama
Country of origin Hong Kong & Japan
Release date 1992-09-15
Theme First Time, Grandparent Grandchild Relationship, Hong Kong, Immigration & Refugees, Japanese & Woman Director
Script Eddie Ling-Ching Fong, Pi Ko & Yen Hua
Cinematography Tony Leung Siu Hung
Music Tats Lau
Runtime 137 min