Watch Awakenings online
Can you stream the Drama movie Awakenings, directed by Penny Marshall & starring John Heard, Julie Kavner, Robert De Niro & Robin Williams on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Awakenings
The victims of an encephalitis epidemic many years ago have been catatonic ever since, but now a new drug offers the prospect of reviving them.
TAGLINE: "There is no such thing as a simple miracle." All streaming services available
Its release date is Tuesday December 4, 1990
Production details
Director | Penny Marshall |
Cast | John Heard, Julie Kavner, Robert De Niro & Robin Williams |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1990-12-04 |
Theme | Based On A True Story, based on novel, Based On True Story, Coma, Experiment, Frustration, Hope, Hospital & Miracle |
Place setting | Bronx & Psychiatric Hospitals |
Time setting | 1969 |
Location | New York City |
Script | Oliver Sacks (book) & Steven Zaillian (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Miroslav Ondrícek |
Music | Randy Newman |
Box Office Revenue | $52,096,475 |
Runtime | 121 min |