Watch Bad Blood online
Can you stream the Drama & Thriller movie Bad Blood, directed by Mike Newell & starring Carol Burns, Denis Lill, Donna Akersten & Jack Thompson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Bad Blood
During World War 2, a farmer in New Zealand murders seven people, and the police, along with local Maori trackers, hunt him in the bush country.
TAGLINE: "They could try to take his guns ... from his cold dead hands!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday November 12, 1982
Production details
Director | Mike Newell |
Cast | Carol Burns, Denis Lill, Donna Akersten & Jack Thompson |
Genre | Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | New Zealand |
Release date | 1982-11-12 |
Theme | New Zealand |
Script | Andrew Brown & Howard Willis (novel) |
Runtime | 105 min |