Watch Bad Milo online
Can you stream the Comedy & Horror movie Bad Milo, directed by Jacob Vaughan & starring Gillian Jacobs, Ken Marino, Peter Stormare & Stephen Root on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Bad Milo
A man learns that his unusual stomach pains are being caused by a demon living in his intestines.
TAGLINE: "Embrace your inner demon." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday August 28, 2013
Production details
Director | Jacob Vaughan |
Cast | Gillian Jacobs, Ken Marino, Peter Stormare & Stephen Root |
Genre | Comedy & Horror |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2013-08-28 |
Script | Benjamin Hayes & Jacob Vaughan |
Cinematography | James Laxton |
Music | Ted Masur |
Box Office Revenue | $19,613 |
Runtime | 85 min |