Watch Belphegor, Phantom of the Louvre online

Can you stream the Fantasy & Science Fiction movie Belphegor, Phantom of the Louvre, directed by Jean-Paul Salomé & starring Frédéric Diefenthal, Julie Christie, Michel Serrault & Sophie Marceau on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Belphegor, Phantom of the Louvre

At the Louvre museum in Paris, the phantom Belphegor wakes up and causes electrical havoc. Night guards at the museum start dying and Lisa gets possessed. Martin tries to help the cute Lisa.

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Its release date is Tuesday April 3, 2001

Production details

Director Jean-Paul Salomé
Cast Frédéric Diefenthal, Julie Christie, Michel Serrault & Sophie Marceau
Genre Fantasy & Science Fiction
Country of origin France
Release date 2001-04-03
Theme Louvre & Mummy
Place setting Museums & Paris
Script Arthur Bernède (novel), Danièle Thompson, Jean-Paul Salomé & Jérôme Tonnerre
Runtime 97 min


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