Watch Benji online
Can you stream the Crime, Drama & Family movie Benji, directed by Brandon Camp & starring Darby Camp, Gabriel Bateman, Gralen Bryant Banks & Kiele Sanchez on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Benji
Two school kids strike up a friendship with an orphaned puppy named Benji. When danger befalls them and they end up kidnapped by robbers who are in over their heads, Benji and his scruffy sidekick come to the rescue.
TAGLINE: "A Hero Comes Home" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday March 2, 2018
Production details
Director | Brandon Camp |
Cast | Darby Camp, Gabriel Bateman, Gralen Bryant Banks & Kiele Sanchez |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Family |
Country of origin | United Arab Emirates |
Release date | 2018-03-02 |
Theme | Benji, Dog, Dogs & Reboot |
Location | New Orleans |
Script | Brandon Camp (written for screen by) & Joe Camp (based on the 1974 motion picture written by) |
Cinematography | Thomas Scott Stanton |
Music | Kostas Christides |
Runtime | 87 min |