Watch Black Roses online

Can you stream the Horror & Music movie Black Roses, directed by John Fasano & starring Carmine Appice, John Martin, Julie Adams & Ken Swofford on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Black Roses

Demons hypnotize the general public by posing as a rock and roll band.

TAGLINE: "Turn up the volume, Turn down the lights, But don't watch it alone!"

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Its release date is Tuesday November 1, 1988

Production details

Director John Fasano
Cast Carmine Appice, John Martin, Julie Adams & Ken Swofford
Genre Horror & Music
Country of origin Canada & The United States
Release date 1988-11-01
Theme Demon, Good Vs Evil & Rock Music
Script Cindy Cirile (screenplay)
Cinematography Paul Mitchnick
Music Elliot Solomon
Runtime 90 min


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