Watch Bloody Summer Camp online

Can you stream the Horror movie Bloody Summer Camp, directed by David Kerr & starring Dave Sheridan, Felissa Rose, Julie Anne Prescott & Shawn C. Phillips on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Bloody Summer Camp

In 1986, a group of counselors gather at Camp Trustfall to prepare for the new Summer. Soon after arriving, a killer wearing a devil mask begins killing them off one by one. Is this the boy from the camp legend or is it someone el...

TAGLINE: "Someone has an axe to grind!"

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Its release date is Saturday June 12, 2021

Production details

Director David Kerr
Cast Dave Sheridan, Felissa Rose, Julie Anne Prescott & Shawn C. Phillips
Genre Horror
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2021-06-12
Theme Horror & Summer Camp
Script David Kerr
Runtime 125 min
Homepage Bloody Summer Camp Homepage


Other David Kerr Movies on Amazon Prime

Bloody Summer Camp | Jun 12th, 2021

Bloody Summer Camp
4.1/10 | By David Kerr
United States of America | Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Other David Kerr Movies on Hulu