Watch Blue and not so pink online
Can you stream the Drama & LGBT/Gay movie Blue and not so pink, directed by Miguel Ferrari & starring Elba Escobar, Guillermo García, Hilda Abrahamz & Ignacio Montes on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Blue and not so pink
The story of Diego, a young and successful photographer that lives in the glamorous world of fashion, shallowness and excess. A tragic accident turns his world around; his partner is now in...
Its release date is Tuesday November 27, 2012
All streaming services available
Its release date is Tuesday November 27, 2012
Production details
Director | Miguel Ferrari |
Cast | Elba Escobar, Guillermo García, Hilda Abrahamz & Ignacio Montes |
Genre | Drama & LGBT/Gay |
Country of origin | Venezuela |
Release date | 2012-11-27 |
Theme | Drugs, Dysfunctional Families, music musicians, Musical Groups, Race Ethnicity & Racism |
Time setting | 1980s & 1990s |
Script | Miguel Ferrari |
Cinematography | Alexandra Henao & Matthew Libatique |
Music | Joseph Trapanese & Sergio de la Puente |
Runtime | 114 min |
Homepage | Blue and not so pink Homepage |