Watch Bordello of Blood online

Can you stream the Comedy & Horror movie Bordello of Blood, directed by Gilbert Adler & starring Angie Everhart, Corey Feldman, Dennis Miller & Erika Eleniak on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Bordello of Blood

The Crypt Keeper returns to tell the story of a funeral parlor that moonlights as a vampire bordello.

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Its release date is Friday August 16, 1996

Production details

Director Gilbert Adler
Cast Angie Everhart, Corey Feldman, Dennis Miller & Erika Eleniak
Genre Comedy & Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1996-08-16
Theme Born Again Christian, Brothel, Funeral Homes Fiction, Private Investigator, Televangelist, Vampire & Vampires
Script A L Katz (screenplay), Bob Gale (story), Gilbert Adler (screenplay), Robert Zemeckis (story) & William M. Gaines (comic books "Tales From the Crypt")
Cinematography Tom Priestley
Music Chris Boardman
Costs $15,000,000
Box Office Revenue $5,600,000
Runtime 87 min


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