Watch Buried Alive online
Can you stream the Horror, Thriller & TV Movie movie Buried Alive, directed by Frank Darabont & starring Hoyt Axton, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Matheson & William Atherton on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Buried Alive
Clint is an every day working man whose wife Joanna is having an affair with a doctor. They plot to kill him and get the insurance money. Only trouble the drug overdose they give him ...
TAGLINE: "She planned on her husband's death. But not on his coming back for revenge." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday May 9, 1990
Production details
Director | Frank Darabont |
Cast | Hoyt Axton, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Matheson & William Atherton |
Genre | Horror, Thriller & TV Movie |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1990-05-09 |
Theme | Buried Alive, Love Affair, Poison & Revenge |
Script | David A. Davies (story) & Mark Patrick Carducci (teleplay) |
Cinematography | Gerard Loubeau & Jacques Haitkin |
Music | Frédéric Talgorn |
Runtime | 93 min |