Watch Burning Night online

Can you stream the Drama movie Burning Night, directed by Eryk Rocha & starring Bárbara Colen, Cadu N. Jay, Fabrício Boliveira & Inés Estévez on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Burning Night

Eryk Rocha's edgy, impressionistic chronicle of the nocturnal encounters of a Rio cab driver vividly captures the strange unpredictability of a rapidly changing world.

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Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Thursday May 21, 2020

Production details

Director Eryk Rocha
Cast Bárbara Colen, Cadu N. Jay, Fabrício Boliveira & Inés Estévez
Genre Drama
Country of origin Argentina
Release date 2020-05-21
Theme American Revenge, Mass Murder, Obscenity Controversies & Summer Camps
Place setting New York (state)
Location New York (state)
Script Eryk Rocha, Fabio Andrade & Julia Ariani
Runtime 98 min

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Burning Night | May 21st, 2020

Burning Night
6.3/10 | By Eryk Rocha
Argentina | Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video