Watch Buro Sadhu online

Can you stream the Drama movie Buro Sadhu, directed by Vik & starring Chiranjit, Ishaa Saha, Mishmee Das & Ritwik Chakraborty on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Buro Sadhu

Buro Sadhu is a film which speaks about a man's journey from boyhood to manhood - his disturbed family life, his relationships and his passion for films as a medium of storytelling.

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Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Friday November 1, 2019

Production details

Director Vik
Cast Chiranjit, Ishaa Saha, Mishmee Das & Ritwik Chakraborty
Genre Drama
Country of origin India
Release date 2019-11-01
Script Vik
Runtime 96 min

Other Vik Movies on Amazon Prime

Buro Sadhu | Nov 1st, 2019

Buro Sadhu
8.1/10 | By Vik
India | Drama
Amazon Prime Video