Watch Camille online

Can you stream the Drama movie Camille, directed by Boris Lojkine & starring Bruno Todeschini, Fiacre Bindala, Grégoire Colin & Nina Meurisse on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Camille

The story of Camille Lepage, a French photojournalist who was killed at age 26 in the Central African Republic.

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Its release date is Wednesday October 16, 2019

Production details

Director Boris Lojkine
Cast Bruno Todeschini, Fiacre Bindala, Grégoire Colin & Nina Meurisse
Genre Drama
Country of origin France
Release date 2019-10-16
Theme Biography
Script Bojina Panayotova (dialogue), Bojina Panayotova (screenplay), Boris Lojkine (dialogue) & Boris Lojkine (screenplay)
Runtime 90 min


Other Boris Lojkine Movies on Amazon Prime

Camille | Oct 16th, 2019

6.6/10 | By Boris Lojkine
France | Drama
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