Watch Carmen online

Can you stream the Drama movie Carmen, directed by Cecil B. DeMille & starring Geraldine Farrar, Horace B. Carpenter, Pedro de Cordoba & Wallace Reid on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Carmen

In order to help her smuggler kinsmen, a sultry gypsy seduces and corrupts an officer of the Civil Guard turning him into a traitor and murderer.

TAGLINE: "A stirring love tale of Old Spain. Based on the original French version of Prosper Merimee's"

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Its release date is Sunday October 31, 1915

Production details

Director Cecil B. DeMille
Cast Geraldine Farrar, Horace B. Carpenter, Pedro de Cordoba & Wallace Reid
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1915-10-31
Theme Gypsy
Script Prosper Mérimée (novel) & William C. de Mille (photoplay)
Costs $23,430
Runtime 59 min

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