Watch Carnivore online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Carnivore, directed by Joseph Kurtz & Kenneth Mader & starring Jack Solem, Jeff Swan, Pamela Thompson & Steven Walker on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Carnivore

A government experiment goes totally wrong as a creature confined in a hidden lab inside and abandoned house escapes. Afterwards, some teens show up to have a little fun in the house, not knowing that the beast is loose and watching them.

TAGLINE: "First you bleed...then the terror begins."

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Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Saturday January 1, 2000

Production details

Director Joseph Kurtz & Kenneth Mader
Cast Jack Solem, Jeff Swan, Pamela Thompson & Steven Walker
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Release date 2000-01-01
Script Joseph Kurtz & Kenneth Mader
Cinematography Bruce Chun
Music Sook Yin Lee
Runtime 80 min


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