Watch Casting JonBenet online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Casting JonBenet, directed by Kitty Green & starring Aeona Cruz, Hannah Cagwin, Liv Bagley & Shylee Sagle on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Casting JonBenet

The unsolved death of six-year-old American beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey remains the world's most sensational child murder case. Over 15 months, responses, reflections and performances were...

TAGLINE: "Everyone wants the part that's missing"

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Its release date is Friday April 28, 2017

Production details

Director Kitty Green
Cast Aeona Cruz, Hannah Cagwin, Liv Bagley & Shylee Sagle
Genre Documentary
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2017-04-28
Theme Documentary Crime United States, Documentary Families, Documentary Psychology & Reenactment
Script Kitty Green
Cinematography Michael Latham
Music Nathan Larson
Runtime 80 min
Homepage Casting JonBenet Homepage


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