Watch City in Darkness online
Can you stream the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie City in Darkness, directed by Alex Proyas & Herbert I. Leeds & starring Harold Huber, Lynn Bari, Richard Clarke & Sidney Toler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: City in Darkness
While in Paris for a reunion on the eve of World War II, Charlie finds that the murder of an hated businessman leads him to a conspiracy to smuggle arms to Germany.
TAGLINE: "PARIS! BLACKOUT!...but there's no blackout for crime...and the great detective is commandeered!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday November 15, 1939
Production details
Director | Alex Proyas & Herbert I. Leeds |
Cast | Harold Huber, Lynn Bari, Richard Clarke & Sidney Toler |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1939-11-15 |
Theme | Altered Memories, Amnesia, Charlie Chan & Extraterrestrial Life |
Place setting | Outer Space |
Location | Sydney |
Script | Earl Derr Biggers (based on: the character "Charlie Chan" created by), Gina Kaus (based on a play by), Helen Logan (screen play), Ladislas Fodor (based on a play by) & Robert Ellis (screen play) |
Cinematography | Dariusz Wolski |
Music | Trevor Jones (composer) |
Runtime | 75 min |