Watch Conversations with Mother online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Conversations with Mother, directed by Santiago Carlos Oves & starring China Zorrilla, Eduardo Blanco, Silvina Bosco & Ulises Dumont on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Conversations with Mother
Jaime has lost his job and has to provide for his wife, son and daughter. Pressured by this circumstances, he visits his mom, who lives in an apartment he owns, to ask her to move with him ...
Its release date is Thursday April 15, 2004
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Thursday April 15, 2004
Production details
Director | Santiago Carlos Oves |
Cast | China Zorrilla, Eduardo Blanco, Silvina Bosco & Ulises Dumont |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | Argentina & Spain |
Release date | 2004-04-15 |
Script | Santiago Carlos Oves |
Cinematography | Anibal Bosco |
Music | Pablo Sala |
Runtime | 90 min |