Watch Critical Care online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Critical Care, directed by Sidney Lumet & starring Albert Brooks, Helen Mirren, James Spader & Kyra Sedgwick on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Critical Care
Werner Ernst is a young hospital resident who becomes embroiled in a legal battle between two half-sisters who are fighting over the care of their comatose father. But are they really ...
Its release date is Friday October 31, 1997
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Its release date is Friday October 31, 1997
Production details
Director | Sidney Lumet |
Cast | Albert Brooks, Helen Mirren, James Spader & Kyra Sedgwick |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | Australia & The United States |
Release date | 1997-10-31 |
Theme | Half Sister, Hospital, Nun & Satire |
Script | Richard Dooling (novel) & Steven Schwartz (screenplay) |
Cinematography | David Watkin (cinematographer) |
Runtime | 107 min |