Watch Cult of the Cobra online

Can you stream the Horror movie Cult of the Cobra, directed by Francis D. Lyon & starring Faith Domergue, Kathleen Hughes, Marshall Thompson & Richard Long on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Cult of the Cobra

American G.I.s who trespass on a Hindu ceremony are hunted down by a beautiful woman who has the power to transform herself into a cobra.

TAGLINE: "Can a woman's beauty be changed to a thing of terror?"

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Its release date is Monday May 30, 1955

Production details

Director Francis D. Lyon
Cast Faith Domergue, Kathleen Hughes, Marshall Thompson & Richard Long
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1955-05-30
Theme Cobra, Giant Snake & Snake
Script Cecil Maiden (screenplay), Jerry Davis (screenplay), Jerry Davis (story) & Richard Collins (screenplay)
Cinematography Russell Metty
Music Irving Gertz, William Lava, Lou Maury, Stanley Wilson
Runtime 82 min


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