Watch Cuties online

Can you stream the movie Cuties, directed by Joshua Gratton & starring Brian Lui, Jacob Romero, Joshua Gratton & Tristan Risk on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Cuties

A group of gay teenagers are picked off by a mysterious killer during the first month of their senior year, while insecure boy Micah goes through a crisis of self-worth as he can't grasp why the killer has no interest in coming after him.

TAGLINE: "Where the only fate worse than death... is being left alone!"

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Its release date is Tuesday February 11, 2020

Production details

Director Joshua Gratton
Cast Brian Lui, Jacob Romero, Joshua Gratton & Tristan Risk
Release date 2020-02-11
Script Joshua Gratton
Costs $8,000
Runtime N/A
Homepage Cuties Homepage
